Oct 16, 2014

E-Cat長期試験報告 011

6. Analysis of data obtained from the E-Cat

6. E-キャットから得られたデータの分析

Using the same procedure employed for the dummy reactor, we analyzed the 16 files relevant to the active E-Cat test.


For each file, we calculated average power emitted by radiation and convection by the reactor, cable dissipation through Joule heating, and power transmitted to the hollow rods.


For the rods, we do not have 16 thermography files corresponding to those saved for the reactor, because, as mentioned above, the IR camera's position was changed frequently.


We therefore analyzed several thermography files relevant to different days and positions,


from which the two most representative ones for length of time and average temperatures were singled out.


The first file refers to the days of the test before the 6th of March (the day in which power supply to the reactor was increased), the second to the following days.


 This choice was justified by the fact that the thermal variations on the rods obtained by analyzing the file data were significant only in the comparison between the two above-mentioned stages, and lay in any case within the percentage error associated to the result (± 5%).

この選択は以下の事実によって正当化された、ファイルデータを解析して得られた棒上の熱変化は、2つの上記のステージ間での比較においてだけ有意であった、さらに、その結果に関連したパーセンテージ誤差(± 5%)の範囲内であればどのような場合にでも存在し得た。

Once again, as in the case of the dummy reactor,


the rods’ symmetric geometry allowed us to perform calculations for only one set of three rods,


and multiply the result by a factor of two.


Here, from the power value obtained for the rods, one should once again subtract the small contribution of heat emitted by the cables that run through them;


but this value is included in the percentage error associated to the result.


The results obtained are as follows:


(訳注 クリックで拡大します)

Table 5. Power emitted by radiation and convection by a set of three E-Cat rods (column 4) and by both sets (column 5). 

表5。3本の E-キャットの棒のセットによって放射と対流によって放出されるパワー(列4)そして両方のセットによる(列5)。

The values are averaged over two different periods of time: 


the upper row refers to the days before March 6 – the day when the power supply was raised by ca. 100 watts – the lower row refers to the following days.

上段は3月6日までの数日を指し - 電源はca.によって100ワットに上げされたその日 - 下段は、その後の日を指します。

Tables 6 and 7 report all the E-Cat test results relevant to the days of testing, approximately two days for each file.


The first table shows the average temperature of each cap and of the entire body of the E-Cat for each of the 16 files analyzed.


It should be mentioned that, as in the case of the dummy reactor,


analysis on the E-Cat was again performed by dividing the thermal images into 10 areas along the length of the reactor,


and into three areas for each cap.


In the table, however, the results relevant to each area are further averaged out, in order to facilitate reading.


(訳注 ここで20ページが終わり、21ページへ)

In the second table, mean power consumption, watts produced and watts dissipated by Joule heating are shown for each file.


Uncertainty associated to the result is on average 5% for power consumption and 3% for watts emitted.


The last two columns record COP and net production.


COP is the ratio of the sum of the mean power, emitted by radiation and convection by both the E-Cat and the rods, to mean power consumption of the reactor minus watts dissipated by the cables through Joule heating.


It therefore gives an indicative parameter of the reactor’s performance.


Net production, on the other hand, is given by the difference between the total watts produced by the reactor and those consumed by it, and shows what portion of emitted power is entirely due the internal reaction of the E-Cat.


By way of example, using the data of file No. 1 in the table, we have:


(訳注 クリックで拡大します)

Table 6. Average temperatures of E-Cat body and caps calculated for each of the 16 thermography files recorded during the test. 

表6。 E-キャット本体とキャップの平均温度、これはテスト中に記録された16個のサーモグラフィファイル毎に算出された。

One file corresponds to ca. two days of data logged.


(訳注 ここで21ページが終わる)

(訳注 クリックで拡大します)

Table 7. For each of the 16 thermography files recorded (ca. two days of test) we have, subsequently: 


average power consumption of the E-Cat, power emitted by the E-Cat by radiation, 


power emitted by convection, sum total of the last two values, sum total of watts emitted by both sets of rods by radiation and convection, 


power dissipated by Joule heating, COP, and net production.


What immediately stands out in Table 7 is the sharp difference between values obtained in the first ten days of the test (files 1 to 5 included),


when power input to the reactor was kept at lower levels, and those obtained in the second period,


 in which power supply was increased by slightly more than 100 W.


The effect of raising power input was an increase in power emission of about 700 W.

電源入力を上昇させる効果は、約700 Wのパワー放出の増加であった。

Plot5 shows the trend of average temperature for one of the areas in which the thermography file of the E-Cat was divided (Area No. 5), when power input was increased.


All values have been calculated by setting only one emissivity value, so as to make displaying on a continuous line possible, but the choice of ε is appropriate here only for the final temperatures reached after power increase.


For this reason, the plot is not entirely reliable as far as the values on the y-axis are concerned:


its purpose is merely that of showing how long it took the E-Cat to stabilize after input current was increased.


As one can see, this amounts to about 400 seconds, slightly more than six minutes.


(訳注 ここで22ページが終わる)

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