May 29, 2013




おすすめの、ネタ元は、 E-Cat World です。






・Fleischmann Pons Effectに関するEU 議会の会議 6月3日
・ICCFカンファレンス 7月21日-27日



Andrea Rossi 氏
Rossi氏 のスポンサー
Rossi派のサポーター (私はこの中にいる)













LENR.FTW 氏 が作成した
Are Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Devices Real?

私は、 Andrea Rossi 氏 の身の安全を願うばかりです。

May 26, 2013


E-Cat に代表されるLENR装置の実験機のニュースで賑わうこの時期ですが、

LENR : Low Energy Nuclear Reactions 低エネルギー核反応 という意味である。
LENRは、かつて、 Cold Fusion : 常温核融合とも呼ばれていた。

「LENR をよりよく理解するために、科学者は弱い相互作用についてさらに研究するべきである」

Scientists must Study the Nuclear Weak Force to Better Understand LENR

この記事では、"Widom-Larsen Theory"、"Brillouin Theory"など、LENRの研究者たちのいろいろな説の名前が出てきます。興味のある人はぜひ読んでください。


(訳: 暖房機が常温核融合装置に取って代わられる)

(訳 : 蛍光灯の中で核融合反応が起きていたって本当?)

May 25, 2013


MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)が熱核融合研究から撤退するという事実が、

the boston globe に掲載されたニュース

Fusion program at MIT is ending


さすが、アメリカの第一の科学の殿堂、 MIT です。

物にならない研究 = 熱核融合には、今後、びた一文使わないわけです。


Maria Zuber, MIT’s vice president for research, ...

The European project is “terribly behind schedule and egregiously over budget, and they’re being rewarded,” Zuber said.

MITの研究副所長の Maria Zuber さん

ヨーロッパのプロジェクト( ITER という熱核融合研究)は、"恐ろしくスケジュール遅れしている、さらに、予算をとんでもなくオーバーしている、その上、かれらは、報酬を得ている" とZuber さんは言った。


なんとまあ、 そういうことだったのです、"egregiously "とは「トンデモナイ」 ということ、熱核融合こそ「トンデモ」とMITの副所長に言われているのです。何も成果を出さずに金だけ取っていくようなことをしては信用を失うわけです。 


実は、 MIT は、 LENR・常温核融合の研究は続けています。こちらです。これは、実際に成果が出ています。素晴らしい。


史上最大の詐欺1 史上最大の詐欺2

LENR つまり 常温核融合は存在するか

Wikipedia のような、確実ではあるがかなり古い情報しか信じない人には、


LENR : Low Energy Nuclear Reactions 低エネルギー核反応 という意味である。
LENRは、かつて、 Cold Fusion : 常温核融合とも呼ばれていた。






E-Cat の第三者試験の評価論文で証明されている。




そして、実物を見たものは皆、LENR は本物であるという。


  1. 見ないとも思わず偽物と言うもの(ニセ科学者)
  2. 見ないとも思わず本物と言うもの(お調子者)
  3. 見たいと思い偽物と推測する(頭の固い人)
  4. 見たいと思い本物と推測する(真の科学者)


May 24, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その7)



The two test measurements described in this text were conducted with the same methodology on two different devices: a first prototype, termed E-Cat HT, and a second one, resulting from technological improvements on the first, termed E-Cat HT2.


Both have indicated heat production from an unknown reaction primed by heat from resistor coils.


Both gave indication of heat production from an unknown reaction primed by heat from resistor coils.


The results obtained indicate that energy was produced in decidedly higher quantities than what may be gained from any conventional source.


In the March test, about 62 net kWh were produced, with a consumption of about 33 kWh, a power density of about 5.3 ・ 10^5, and a density of thermal energy of about 6.1 ・ 10^7 Wh/kg.

3月の試験では、約62正味キロワットを作製し、約33キロワットの消費と、約5.3×10^5のパワー密度、そして 約6.1×10^7 Wh/ kg の熱エネルギーの密度。

In the December test, about 160 net kWh were produced, with a consumption of 35 kWh, a power density of about 7 ・ 10^3 W/kg and a thermal energy density of about 6.8 ・ 105 Wh/kg.

12月の試験では、約160正味キロワットを作製し、約35キロワットの消費と、約7×10^3のパワー密度、そして 約6.8×10^5 Wh/ kg の熱エネルギーの密度。

The difference in results between the two tests may be seen in the overestimation of the weight of the charge in the first test (which was comprehensive of the weight of the two metal caps sealing the cylinder), and in the manufacturer’s choice of keeping temperatures under control in the second experiment to enhance the stability of the operating cycle.


The difference in results between the two tests may be seen in the overestimation of the weight of the charge in the first test ((which included the weight of the two metal caps sealing the cylinder), and in the manufacturer’s choice of keeping temperatures under control in the second experiment to enhance the stability of the operating cycle.


In any event, the results obtained place both devices several orders of magnitude outside the bounds of the Ragone plot region for chemical sources.

Even from the standpoint of a “blind” evaluation of volumetric energy density, if we consider the whole volume of the reactor core and the most conservative figures on energy production, we still get a value of (7.93 ± 0.8) 10^2 MJ/Liter that is one order of magnitude higher than any conventional source.

体積エネルギー密度の"ブラインド"評価の観点からさえも、もし、我々が、炉心の全体の体積とエネルギー生産に最も保守的な数値を考慮する場合なのだが、我々は、依然として (7.93±0.8)×10^2 MJ /リットル の値を取得する、それは、任意の従来のソースに比べ一桁高い。
Lastly, it must be remarked that both tests were terminated by a deliberate shutdown of the reactor, not by fuel exhaustion; thus, the energy densities that were measured should be considered as lower limits of real values.

The March test is to be considered an improvement over the one performed in December, in that various problems encountered in the first experiment were addressed and solved in the second one.


In the next test experiment which is expected to start in the summer of 2013, and will last about six months, a long term performance of the E-Cat HT2 will be tested.


This test will be crucial for further attempts to unveil the origin of the heat phenomenon observed so far.


The authors would like to thank David Bianchini, M.Sc. for his cooperation in performing the test.


We also wish to thank Prof. Ennio Bonetti (Bologna University), Pierre Clauzon, M.Eng.(CNAM-CEA Paris), Prof. Loris Ferrari (Bologna University), and Laura Patrizii, Ph.D. (INFN) for their helpful discussions, Prof. Alessandro Passi (Bologna University [ret.]) for his patient work in translating the text.

また、教授エンニオBonetti (ボローニャ大学)、ピエールClauzon、修士.英語。(CNAM-CEAパリ)、教授ロリスフェラーリ(ボローニャ大学)、とローラPatrizii博士(INFN)に感謝したい、有益な議論のためです、教授アレッサンドロPASSI(ボローニャ大学[RET])に感謝したい、テキストを翻訳する中で彼の忍耐ある仕事のためです。
We would especially like to thank Andrea Rossi, M.A., inventor of the E-Cat, for giving us the opportunity to independently test the apparatus, and Prof. Em. Sven Kullander and Prof. Bjorn Galnander (Uppsala University) for their continued interest in and support for these investigations.

我々は、特にアンドレア・ロッシ、MA に、E-キャットの発明者、感謝したいと思います、装置を独立してテストする機会を私たちに与えてくれたためです、and Prof. Em. Sven Kullander and Prof. Bjorn Galnander (Uppsala University)にも感謝したい、彼らの継続的な関心とこれらの調査のためのサポートのためです。
A special thought and warm thanks must be also expressed to Prof. Em. Sergio Focardi (Bologna University) and Prof. Em. Hidetsugu Ikegami (Osaka University).

特別な思いと暖かい感謝を教授エムセルジオFocardi(ボローニャ大学)と 池上 栄胤 名誉教授(大阪大学) に伝えなければなりません。
The authors would like to express their appreciation to Optris GmbH and Luchsinger Srl for their support and technological assistance.

著者は、 Optris GmbH社そしてLuchsinger SRLへの謝意を表したいと思います、彼らのサポートと技術支援に対してです。
Financial support from Alba Langenskiold Foundation and ELFORSK AB, for the Swedish participation in the E-Cat test experiment, is gratefully acknowledged.

アルバLangenskiold財団とELFORSK AB、からの財政支援には、E-キャットのテスト実験におけるスウェーデンの参加のためです、最大限の感謝を述べます。
[1] S. Focardi, R. Habel and F. Piantelli, Nuovo Cimento (Brief Notes) 107A (1994), 163.
[2] S. Focardi et al., Nuovo Cimento 111A (1998), 1233.
[3] S. Focardi and A. Rossi, internal report, 2010.
[4] J.M. Coulson and J.F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering, 1999 (sixth edition), Butterworth Heinemann.
[5] A. Bejan, A.D. Kraus, Heat Transfer Handbook, 2003, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
[6] Optris, Basic principles of non-contact temperature measurement,
[7] Ahmed F. Ghoniem , Needs, resources and climate change: clean and efficient conversion technologies, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 37 (2011), 15-51, fig.38.
[9] Nuova Magrini Galileo, Dossier Tecnico n°9, Determinazione della sovratemperatura in apparecchi sottoposti a sovracorrenti cicliche, Merlin Gerin.






E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その6)



Remarks on the test
An interesting aspect of the E-Cat HT2 is certainly its capacity to operate in self-sustaining mode.


The values of temperature and production of energy which were obtained are the result of averages not merely gained through data capture performed at different times; they are also relevant to the resistor coils’ ON/OFF cycle itself.

得られた温度およびエネルギー生産の値は、異なる時期に実行されたデータ・キャプチャによって単に得られたのではない平均値の結果である; それらはまた、抵抗コイルのON / OFFサイクルそれ自体に関連しています。

By plotting the average temperature vs time for a few minutes of test (Plot 3) one can clearly see how it varies between a maximum and a minimum value with a fixed periodicity.


Plot 3. Average surface temperature trend of the E-Cat HT2 over several minutes of operation.


Note the heating and cooling trends of the device, which appear to be different from the exponential characteristics of generic resistor.

Looking at Plot 3, the first feature one notices is the appearance taken by the curve in both the heating and cooling phases of the device.


If we compare these in detail with the standard curves of a generic resistor (Plot 4 and Plot 5), we see that the former differ from the latter in that they are not of the exponential type.


Plot 4. Comparing the typical heating curve of a generic resistor (left, [Ref. 9]) to the one relevant to one of the E-Cat HT2’s ON states.


Plot 5. Comparing the typical cooling curve of a generic resistor (left, [Ref. 9]) to the one relevant to one of the E-Cat HT2’s OFF states.

Finally, the complete ON/OFF cycle of the E-Cat HT2, as seen in Plot 3, may be comparedwith the typical heating-cooling cycle of a resistor, as displayed in Plot 6.


Plot 6. Heating and cooling cycle of a generic resistor [Ref. 9].

プロット6。一般的な抵抗器の加熱と冷却サイクル[参照。 9]。

The trend is described by exponential type equations.

What appears obvious here is that the priming mechanism pertaining to some sort of reaction inside the device speeds up the rise in temperature, and keeps the temperatures higher during the cooling phase.

Another very interesting behavior is brought out by synchronically comparing another two curves: power produced over time by the E-Cat HT2, and power consumed during the same time.

別の非常に興味深い挙動が、もう二つの曲線をsynchronicallyに比較することによって引き出されています : E-キャットHT2によって時間をかけて生産されるパワー、さらに、同じ期間中に消費したパワー。

Another very interesting behavior is brought out by synchronically comparing another set of curves: power produced over time by the E-Cat HT2, and power consumed during the same time.

別の非常に興味深い挙動が、もう一組別の曲線をsynchronicallyに比較することによって引き出されています : E-キャットHT2によって時間をかけて生産されるパワー、さらに、同じ期間中に消費したパワー。

An example of this may be seen in Plot 7, which refers to about three hours of test.


The resistor coils ON/OFF cycle is plotted in red, while the power-emission trend of the device appears in blue.

抵抗器コイルON/ OFFサイクルは、赤色でプロットされている、一方、デバイスのパワー放出傾向が青色で表示されている。

Plot 7. Chart showing emitted power (in blue) and consumed power (in red) vs time for the ECat HT2.

プロット7。チャートは、ECAT HT2のための放出されパワー(青)と消費電力(赤)対時間を示す。

Starting from any lowest point of the blue curve, one can distinguish three distinctive time intervals.


In the first, emitted power rises, while remaining below the red line representing consumed power.


In the second, emitted power rises above consumed power, and approaches its peak while the resistors are still on.


In the third, after the resistors have been turned off, emitted power reaches its peak and then begins to fall to a new minimum value, whereupon the resistors turn on again.


In the first time interval, emitted power is less than consumed power; but already in the second the trend reverses, and continues as such into the beginning of the third.

第1の時間間隔において、放出パワーが消費電力未満であり; だが、すでに第二では、傾向は反転する、そして、第三の初めにそのようにして続いています。

Plot 8, which gives an expanded view of Plot 7, the three intervals are visually enhanced for the sake of clarity.


Plot 8. Detail taken from Plot 7, reproducing the first two periods of the cycle.


The three time intervals in which each period may be divided are labeled by Roman numerals.

Further food for thought may be found by analyzing the trend of the ratio between energy produced and energy consumed by the E-Cat HT2, as referred to the same time interval dealt with in Plot 7.


Further food for thought may be found by analyzing the trend of the ratio between energy produced and energy consumed by the E-Cat HT2, during the time interval shown in Plot 7.


The blue curve in Plot 9 is the result of the analysis, and is reproduced here together with the red curve of power consumption normalized to 1.


Basically, for every second taken into account, the corresponding value of the blue curve is calculated as the ratio between the sum of the power per second emitted in all the previous seconds, and the sum of the power per second consumed in all the previous seconds.


Plot 9. The blue curve is the result of the ratio between energy produced and consumed by the E-Cat HT2, with reference to the same time instants dealt with in Plot 7.


The red curve represents the ON/OFF trend of the resistor coils normalized to 1.

赤い曲線は、1に正規化された抵抗器コイルのON/ OFFの傾向を表しています。
All the above trends are remarkable, and warrant further in-depth enquiry.


E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その5)



E-Cat HT2 performance calculation
According to the engineering definition, COP is given by the ratio between the output power of a device and the power required by its operation, thereby including, in our case, the power consumed by the control electronics.

For the E-Cat HT2 one would therefore have (assuming a 10% uncertainty in the powers):

E-キャットHT2用に、それゆえ、次となる (パワーの10%の不確実性を仮定して):
COP = 816/322 = 2.6 ± 0.5 (36)

In order to compare this figure with the COP value obtained in the December test (5.6; see (19)), one must first of all consider that the two values were obtained in different experimental contexts: (19) gives the ratio between power emitted and power consumed by the E-Cat HT only, without the TRIAC power supply, whereas (36) includes power consumption by the E-Cat HT2's control device instrumentation.

12月試験で得られたCOP値とこの数値を比較するために(5.6;参照(19))、最初にすべての2つの値は異なる実験コンテキストで得たことを考慮する必要があります : (19)が、放出されたパワーとE-キャットHTだけによって消費されるパワーの間の比を与える、TRIAC電源なしなのです、一方、(36)は、E-キャットHT2の制御装置インストルメンテーションの消費電力を含む。

The expression useful for such a comparison is therefore the following:

COP = 816/283 = 2.9 ± 0.3 (37)
Thus, (19) and (37) give the performances specific to prototypes E-Cat HT and E-Cat HT2, respectively  regardless of the electronic circuits (also prototypes) used to control them.

このように、(19)と(37)は、プロトタイプ E-キャットHTそしてE-キャットHT2に特有のパフォーマンスを与える、それぞれ、それらを制御するために使用される電子回路(または、プロトタイプ)にかかわらずである。

Since the main goal of the present paper is a specific investigation of E-Cats as physical systems, these are the most meaningful expressions for our purposes.

The reasons for the appreciable difference between the value obtained in December and the one found in March are probably to be sought in the tendency of the COP to increase with temperature, a fact which was noticed even in the November test.


In that occasion, reaching a certain critical temperature threshold was enough to cause the reaction to diverge uncontrollably and destroy the device.


Considering that, in December, the E-Cat HT's average temperature was 438 °C, vs an average of 302 °C for the E-Cat HT2 in March, a higher COP for the former device with respect to that found in the latter was by no means unexpected.

In any event, inasmuch as the quantity of the charge contained in the first device is not known, a comparison between the two tests is not strictly appropriate.


It is possible that the two coefficients of performance differ only because the quantity of powder used in the two tests was different.


E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その4)



Ragone Chart
Upon completion of the test, the E-Cat HT2 was opened, and the innermost cylinder, sealed by caps and containing the powder charges, was extracted.


It was then weighed (1537.6 g) and subsequently cut open in the middle on a lathe.


Before removal of the powder charges, the cylinder was weighed once again (1522.9 g), to compensate for the steel machine shavings lost.


Lastly, the inner powders were extracted by the manufacturer (in separate premises we did not have access to), and the empty cylinder was weighed once again (1522.6 g).


The weight that may be assigned to the powder charges is therefore on the order of 0.3 g; here it shall be conservatively assumed to have value of 1 g, in order to take into account any possible source of error linked to the measurement.

パウダーチャージに割り当てられてもよい重量は、0.3グラムのオーダー上にある ; ここでは、控えめに、1グラムの値を有するとみなさなければならない、測定にリンクしうるエラーのいずれかの可能性のあるソースを考慮に入れるためである。
According to the data available from the PCE-830 analyzer, the overall power consumption of the E-Cat HT2 and the control box combined was 37.58 kWh.

PCE-830アナライザから入手可能なデータによると、E-キャットHT2そして組み合わせたコントロールボックスの全体的な消費電力は37.58 kWhであった。

The associated instantaneous power varied between 910 and 930 W during the test, so it may be averaged at 920±10 W.

関連する瞬時電力は、試験中に910と930 Wの間で変化した、それで、それは、920±10 W で平均化することができる。

In order to determine the power consumption of the E-Cat HT2 alone, one must subtract from this value the contributive factor of the control box power consumption.


As it was not possible to measure the latter while the test on the E-Cat HT2 was in progress, one may refer to the power consumption of the box measured during the dummy test.


This value would in all likelihood be higher in the case of operative E-Cat HT2, due to the electronic circuits controlling the self--sustaining mode: so, as usual, we shall adopt the more conservative parameter.

この値は、すべての可能性で、動作可能なE-キャットHT2の場合において、より高くなるであろう、自己 - 持続モードを制御する電子回路に起因するためである:それてあれば、いつものように、私たちは、より保守的なパラメータを採用しなければならない。
If one assumes that the control box absorbed about 110 W, we can associate the E-Cat HT2 with a consumption of:

もし、コントロールボックスが、約110 Wを吸収していることを前提としていた場合、我々は、E-キャットHT2を次の消費に関連付けることができます:
Instantaneous Power Consumption E-Cat HT2 = (920  110) [W ]= 810 [W] (25)

瞬間的な消費電力 E-キャットHT2

Keeping in mind the fact that this consumption was not constant over time, but may be referred just to 35% of the total test hours, one may calculate the effective powerconsumption of the device as:

次の事実を念頭に置いておく、この消費量は、経時的に一定ではなかった、しかし、総試験時間のちょうど 35%に関係付けられる、次のようにデバイスの実効消費電力を計算することができる:
Effective Power Consumption E-Cat HT2 = (810/100) ・ 35 = 283.5 [W] (26)

Let us further assume an error of 10%, in order to include any possible unknown source.

Errors of this extent are commonly accepted in calorimetric measurements, and in our case they would comprise various sources of uncertainty: those relevant to the consumption measurements of the E-Cat HT2 and the control box, those inherent in the limited range of frequencies upon which the IR cameras operate, and those linked to the calculation of average temperatures.


The energy produced by the E-Cat HT2 during the 116 hours of the test is then:

試験の116時間の間にE-キャットHT2によって生成されるエネルギーは、それでは、次である :
Produced Energy E-Cat HT2 = (816-283.5) ・ 116 = (6.2 ± 0.6) ・ 10^4 [Wh] (27)

生産されたエネルギー E-キャットHT2

From (27) one may gather the parameters necessary to evaluate the position held by the E-Cat HT2 with respects to the Ragone Plot, where specific energy is represented as a function on a logarithmic scale of the specific power of the various energy storage technologies [see Ref. 8].

For power density we have:
(816-283.5)/0.001 = 532500 [W/kg] ~ 5 ・ 10^5 [W/kg] (28)

Thermal energy density is obtained by multiplying (28) by the number of test hours:

532500 ・116 = (6.2 ± 0.6) ・ 10^7 [Wh/kg] ~ 6 ・ 10^7 [Wh/kg] (29)

It is easy to infer from the Ragone chart, another example of which may be seen below in fig. 15 below, that these values place the E-Cat HT2 at about three orders of magnitude beyond any other conventional chemical energy source.



Fig. 15. Another version of the Ragone Plot of Energy Storage [Ref. 8].


In this plot, specific volumetric and gravimetric energy densities are presented for various sources.


The E-CatHT2, out of scale here, lies outside the region occupied by conventional chemical sources.

As it was not possible to inspect the inside of the control box, let us now repeat the last calculations supposing, as a precautionary measure, that all power consumption were to be assigned to the E-Cat HT2.

According to this logic, and assigning to the E-Cat HT2 the maximum value of error given by (24), namely (816 - 16)W = 800 W, one gets:

このロジックによれば、そして、(24)よって与えられる誤差の最大値をE-キャットHT2に代入する、すなわち、(816 - 16)W = 800 W、得られるのは :

Conservative Power Consumption E-Cat HT2 = (920/100) ・ 35 = (322 ± 32) [W] (30)


whereas (28) and (29) become:

一方  (28) と (29) から :

(800-322)/0.001 = (4.7 ± 0.5 ) ・ 10^5 [W/kg] (31)

478000 ・116 = (5.5 ± 0.6) ・ 10^7 [Wh/kg] (32)

The results thus obtained are still amply sufficient to rule out the possibility that the E-Cat HT2 is a conventional source of energy.

Let us associate to this last value of conservative power consumption the worst-case scenario:

(322 + 32) [W] = 354 [W] (33)

Then the values of power density and energy density would then be:

(800-354)/0.001 = (4.4 ± 0.4) ・ 10^5 [W/kg] (34)

446000 ・116 = (5.1 ± 0.5) ・ 10^7 [Wh/kg] (35)

Obviously, not even in this case do we have any substantial change as far as the position occupied by the E-Cat HT2 in the Ragone plot is concerned.

For a further confirmation of the fact that the E-Cat HT2’s performance lies outside the known region of chemical energy densities, one can also calculate the volumetric energy density of the reactor, by referring to the whole volume occupied by the internal cylinder, namely 1.52 ・ π 33 = 233 cm3 = 0.233 l.

E-キャットHT2のパフォーマンスは化学エネルギー密度の既知の領域の外側にあるという事実を、さらに確認のため、反応器の体積エネルギー密度を計算することがまたできる、内側シリンダによって占有されるボリューム全体を参照することによってである、すなわち、1.52・π33 = 233 立方センチメートル = 0.233リットル。

This is the most conservative and “blind” approach possible.

これは、最も保守的で可能な限り "ブラインド"されたアプローチである。
Taking the figures from the worst case, we get a net power of 800-354=446 W; by multiplying this by (3600 ・ 116), we find that 185 Mj where produced.

最悪のケースから数字を取って、我々は、 800-354=446 W の正味電力を得る; (3600・116)によって、これを乗算することにより、我々は、185 Mj がここで生産ことがわかります。

Thus, we have a volumetric energy density of 185/0.233 = (7.93 ± 0.8)102 Mj/Liter, meaning that even by resorting to the most conservative and “worst case scenarios”, where the total volume of the reactor is comprehensive of the 5-mm thick steel cylinder, we see that we are still at least one order of magnitude above the volumetric energy density of any known chemical source [Ref. 8].

このように、我々は、185/0.233 = (7.93 ± 0.8)102 Mj/Liter の体積エネルギー密度を求めた、最も保守的で "最悪のシナリオ"に頼ることによってという意味である、ここで、反応器の全体積は、5mmの厚さの鋼製シリンダで包含され、我々は、任意の公知の化学源の体積エネルギー密度を、少なくとも一桁でいまだに上回るということが解る

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その3)



Analysis of data obtained with the E-Cat HT2
The E-Cat HT2 was started approximately at 3:00 p.m. on March 18.


The initial power input was about 120 W, gradually stepping up in the course of the following two hours, until a value suitable for triggering the self-sustaining mode was reached.

初期電力入力は、約120 Wであった、徐々に、次の2時間の間にステップアップ、自立モードをトリガするのに適した値に達するまで。

From then onwards, and for the following 114 hours, input power was no longer manually adjusted, and the ON/OFF cycles of the resistor coils followed one another at almost constant time intervals.

その後以降から、そして、次の114時間、入力電力は、もはや手動で調整されなかった、そして、抵抗コイルのON /OFFサイクルは、ほぼ一定の時間間隔で互いに続いた。

During the coil ON states, the instantaneous power absorbed by the E-Cat HT2 and the control box together was visible on the PCE-830 LCD display.

コイルON状態の間に、E-キャットHT2とコントロールボックスによって吸収される瞬時電力は、一緒にPCE-830 LCDディスプレイに表示されていた。

This value, with some fluctuations in time, remained in any case within a range of 910-930 W.

この値は、時間内にいくつかの変動をともない、それは910から930 Wの範囲内のいずれの場合にも残った。

By checking the video image relevant to the PCE-830 LCD display, we were also able to estimate the length of the ON/OFF intervals: with reference to the entire duration of the test, the resistor coils were on for about 35% of the time, and off for the remaining 65%.

PCE-830 LCDディスプレイに関連したビデオ画像を確認することで、我々はまた、ON/ OFFの間隔の長さを推定することができました:試験の全期間を参照すると、抵抗コイルは、時間の約35%の間ONであった、残りの65%の間OFFであった。

The PCE-830 LCD display showed the length of the ON/OFF intervals: with reference to the entire duration of the test, the resistor coils were on for about 35% of the time, and off for the remaining 65%.

PCE-830 LCDディスプレイは、ON/ OFFの間隔の長さを示しました:試験の全期間を参照すると、抵抗コイルは、時間の約35%の間ONであった、残りの65%の間OFFであった。
As in the case of the dummy, in order to determine the average temperatures for the E-Cat HT2 we opted to divide its thermal images into five areas, plus another one for the “top”.


An analysis of various time segments (about five hours each), taken in the course of each day of the test, revealed that the behavior of the device remained more or less constant, and became quite stable especially from the third day onwards.


Using the same procedure as before, we obtained an average temperature for each of the five areas, thereafter resorting to equations (5), (9), and (10) in order to calculate power emitted by radiation and convection, respectively.


Fig. 14. 5-area division of the E-Cat HT2 image.


The flange does not appear in the image because the display range chosen for the IR camera does not account for objects colder than 150°C.


Emissivity values for each area were adjusted in each IR camera video sample thanks to the continuing presence of dots: according to position and time, the found values for ε fluctuated between a low of 0.76 and a high of 0.80.

各領域の放射率の値は、各IRカメラ映像サンプルの中で調整された、ドットの継続的な存在のおかげである:位置と時間に応じて、εのため検出された値は、低い 0.76 と 高い 0.80の間で変動した。

Areas subject to the most intense heat were seen to have slightly higher emissivity with respect to peripheral ones, and all showed a slight upward trend as the test progressed, probably because of a change in the properties of the paint.

In order to account for a certain degree of arbitrariness inherent in this method of evaluation, it was decided to assign a reference temperature to the various areas into which the E-Cat HT2 had been divided.


This was obtained by assigning to all areas the most frequently found value for ε and associating a percentage error to it.


This error is the result of the difference between two extreme values, namely the temperature obtained by assigning to all areas the lowest level of emissivity ever found in any one of them (= 0.76), and the temperature obtained assigning to all areas the highest value for ε ever found (= 0.80).

このエラーは、二つの極端な値の間の差の結果である、すなわち、温度は、すべての領域に、それらのいずれかでこれまでに見つかった放射率の最低レベル (= 0.76)を、割り当てることによって得られた、さらに、温度は、全てのエリアに、これまでに見つかったεの最高値(=0.80)を割り当てることで得られた。

Tables 7 and 8 summarize the results: the first refers to the average of temperatures in each of the five areas for different values of ε, whereas the second gives the average values of power emitted by radiation (E) and convection (Q) for different values of ε, while taking into account the sum performed on the five areas.

表7及び表8に結果をまとめる : まず、εの異なる値のための5つの領域の各々の温度の平均値を指す、対して、第二は、εの異なる値ための放射線(E)と対流(Q)によって放出されるパワーの平均値をを与えます、5つの領域で実行される合計を考慮しながらである。


Table 7. Average temperatures relevant to the divisions into five areas of the E-Cat HT2’s cylindrical body, calc
ulated according to average values of emissivity (first row), absolute minimal values (second row), and absolute maximum values (third row), collated by taking into consideration all the areas and all the analyzed time intervals.


The last column gives the averages of the previous values for each of the five areas.


Table 8. Emitted power values by radiation (E) and by convection (Q) for different values of ε.


The numbers are computed from the power average of all five areas, minus the E_room component arising from the contributing factor of ambient temperature.

The error associable to the average value of emitted power may be got by taking into account the difference between what is obtained by attributing to each area the highest possible and the lowest possible value for ε.



(752.0-736.6)/741.3 = 2% (23)

As may be inferred from the last value above, the uncertainty regarding emissivity does not weigh much upon the results, and should therefore be considered a parameter of lesser critical import than what was originally estimated.

The average temperature relevant to the “top”, as well as its average emissivity, turned out to be extremely constant over time, with values of 224.8 °C and 0.88, respectively.


We can therefore associate them with a value of irradiated power E-E_room = 17 [W].

そこで我々は、照射パワーの値 E-E_room= 17[W] とそれを関連付けることができます。
At this point, all the contributing factors relevant to the thermal power of the E-Cat HT2 areavailable, i.e. the power emitted by the cylindrical body through radiation and convection, the power emitted by radiation by the “top”, and the set of missing factors (conduction, “top” convection, flange radiation and convection).


It is now possible to obtain a complete estimate:

Emitted PowerE-Cat HT2 = (741.3 + 17 + 58) [W] = (816.3± 2%) [W] = (816±16) [W] (24)


May 23, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その2)



Analysis of data obtained with the “dummy”
By “dummy” is meant here the same E-Cat HT2 used for the test described in Part 2, but provided with an inner cylinder lacking both the steel caps and the powder charge.


This “unloaded” device was subject to measurements performed after the 116-hr trial run, and was kept running for about six hours.


Instrumentation and data analysis were the same as those used for the test of the active E-Cat HT2.


We prefer to present the data relevant to the dummy beforehand, since these data made it possible to perform a sort of “calibration” of the E-Cat HT2, as shall be pointed out below.

The electrical power to the dummy was handled by the same control box, but without the ON/OFF cycle of the resistor coils.

ダミーへの電力は、同一の制御ボックスによって処理された、しかし抵抗コイルのON / OFFサイクルはなしとなる。

Thus, the power applied to the dummy was continuous.

したがって、ダミーに印加される電力は連続的であった 。
Power to the dummy’s resistor coils was stepped up gradually, waiting for the device to reach thermal equilibrium at each step.


In the final part of the test, the combined power to the dummy + control box was around 910-920 W.

試験の最後の部分で、ダミー+コントロールボックスへの合成パワーは、だいたい 910から920Wだった。

Resistor coil power consumption was measured by placing the instrument in single-phase directly on the coil input cables, and was found to be, on average, about 810 W.

抵抗コイルの消費電力は、コイル入力ケーブルに直接的に単相の測定器を配置することによって測定した、それで、平均して、約810 W であることが見出された。

From this one derives that the power consumption of the control box was approximately = 110-120 W.

これから、導出できることは以下である、コントロールボックスの消費電力は約=110-120 W.あった。

At this power, the heat produced from the resistor coils alone determined an average surface temperature (flange and “top” excluded) of almost 300 °C, very close to the average one found in the same areas of the E-Cat HT2 during the live test.

このパワーで、単独抵抗コイルから発生する熱は、ほぼ300°Cという平均表面温度(フランジと "トップ"は除く)を決定した、ライブ・テスト中にE-キャットHT2の同じ領域で発見される平均に非常に近接しています。

Various dots were applied to the dummy as well.


A K-type thermocouple heat probe was placed under one of the dots, to monitor temperature trends in a fixed point.


The same probe had also been used with the E-Cat HT2 to double check the IR camera readings during the cooling phase.


The values measured by the heat probe were always higher than those indicated by the IR camera: this difference, minimal in the case of the E-Cat HT2, was more noticeable in the dummy, where temperature readings proved to be always higher by about 2 °C.


The most likely reason for the difference is to be sought in the fact that the probe, when covered with the dot securing it the surface, could not dissipate any heat by convection, unlike the areas adjacent to it.


In order to evaluate the power emitted by the dummy by radiation and convection, we decided to divide the image of the cylindrical body into 5 areas, to each of which, by means of dots, we assigned an average emissivity of 0.80.


Lastly, the analysis of images relevant to the “top” determined for
this area another value for ε: 0.88.



Fig. 13. Dummy measurement set-up.


Center: laptop display showing the thermal image of the dummy divided into 5 areas, and the dark shadow of the thermocouple, with probe point located under a dot.


Left: thermocouple LCD display, indicating a temperature of 244.5 °C.


This is relevant to the same area which the IR camera reading of 242.7 °C, visible on the laptop display, refers to.


Lower thermal exchange between the probe and the environment is the most likely cause for the difference.


The difference is most likely caused by lower thermal exchange between the probe and the environment..

For each of the five areas, energy emitted by radiation was calculated.


 Once again, Stefan-Boltzmann’s formula multiplied by the area taken into consideration was used, as in Part 1, equation (5).


Power emitted by convection was calculated by equations (9) and (10).


The equations are repeated below for clarity’s sake, followed by a table summarizing the results.


AreaDummy = 2πRL = 989.6 ・ 10^-4 [m2]
AreaTop = πR2 = 63.61 ・ 10^-4 [m2]
Note that coefficients C" and n of (10) have the same value calculated for the December test, namely C" = 1.32, and n = 0.25, whereas the diameter D is now = 9 cm.

注意してください、係数C"及びn(10)は、12月試験について計算された値と同じである、直径Dは、今、= 9 cmであるのに対しである。

Moreover, by AreaDummy the cylindrical body of the device is meant, without flange or “top”.

さらに、AreaDummy よって、デバイスの円筒体が意味され、フランジなし、あるいは、"トップ"。

Lastly, the contributing factor due to ambient temperature, termed “E_room” in (7) above, has already been subtracted from the power values associated with each area.


This was calculated assuming an ambient temperature value of 14.8 °C.


E_room = (5.67 ・10 ^ -8) (288)^4 (0.80) (198 ・10^-4) = 6.18 [W]

Table 6. Power emitted by radiation (E) and convection (Q) for each of the five areas.


The value of E_room, about 6.18 W, has already been subtracted from power E in the relevant area.

E_roomの値は、約 6.18 W、既に関連分野でのパワーEから差し引かれています。
By means of the second thermal imagery camera, it was possible to monitor the temperature of the “top”, which was almost stable at 225 °C.


Using the second thermal imagery camera, it was possible to monitor the temperature of the breech, which was almost stable at 225 °C.


We were thus able to compute the contributing factor to the total radiating energy associated with this part of the dummy: a value of E-E_room = 17 W.

そこで我々は、ダミーのこの部分に関連付けられた総放射エネルギーに貢献する要因を計算することができました:E-E_room= 17 Wの値

As for the flange, it was not possible to evaluate its temperature with sufficient reliability, despite the fact that it was partially framed by both IR cameras.


A careful analysis of the relevant thermal imagery revealed how part of the heat emitted from the flange was actually reflected heat coming from the body of the dummy.


In fact, the position of the flange is such that one of its sides constantly receives radiative heat emitted by the body of the cylinder: if we were to attribute the recorded temperature to the flange, we would risk overestimating the total radiative power.

実際には、フランジの位置は、こんな感じである、その側面の一つは、シリンダ体によって放出された放射熱を常に受けるようになっている : もし、私たちが、記録された温度がフランジに起因するとした場合、私達は総放射パワーを過大評価する危険があるでしょう。

Conservation of energy was used to evaluate the contributing factor of the flange, and of all other not previously accounted factors, to the total energy of the dummy.


Thus, we get:

This last value is the sum of the contributive factors relevant to all unknown values, namely: flange convection and radiation, “top” convection (NB convection only), losses through conduction, and the margin of error associated with our evaluation.


Since the temperatures reached by the dummy and by the E-Cat HT2 during their operation were seen to be quite similar, this value will also be used to calculate the power relevant to the E-Cat HT2, where it will be attributed the same meaning.


E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その1)




Device and experimental set-up
The March test was performed with a subsequent prototype of the E-Cat HT, henceforth termed E-Cat HT2, differing from the one used in the December test both in structure and control system.


Externally, the device appears as a steel cylinder, 9 cm in diameter, and 33 cm in length, with a steel circular flange at one end 20 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick.

外部的には、デバイスは、鋼シリンダーとして見える、直径 9 cm、及び長さは33cm、直径20センチで厚さ1cmで一端に鋼鉄の円形のフランジ付き。

The only purpose of the flange was to allow the cylinder to be inserted in one of various heat exchangers, which are currently under design.


As in the case of the previous model, here too the powder charge is contained within a smaller AISI 310 steel cylinder (3 cm in diameter and 33 cm in length), housed within the E-Cat HT2 outer cylinder together with the resistor coils, and closed at each end by two AISI 316 steel caps.

前のモデルの場合のように、ここでもまた、粉体チャージがより小さいAISI310スチール製のシリンダー内に含まれている(直径3センチ、長さは33 cm)、さらに抵抗コイルと一緒にE-キャットHT2外筒内に収容され、二つのAISI316スチールキャップで、両端で閉じられた。
The outer surface of the E-Cat HT2 and one side of the flange are coated with black paint, different from that used for the previous test.


The emissivity of this coating, a MacotaR enamel paint capable of withstanding temperatures up to 800 °C, is not known; moreover, it was not sprayed uniformly on the device, as may be seen from the non-uniform distribution of colors in adjacent areas in the thermal imaging.

このコーティング、800°Cまでの温度に耐えることができるMacotaRエナメル塗料、の輻射率は、知られていない; また、それは、デバイス上に均一に噴霧されていない、であれば、熱画像内の隣接領域の色の不均一な分布が見られるかもしれない。

Fig. 10. Flange of the E-Cat HT2 used for the March test.


The flange is meant to facilitate insertion of the device in a heat exchanger. 


Electrical power is fed through the two yellow wires. 


The third connection was verified to be a PT100 sensor, used to give a feedback temperature signal 
to the control box in order to regulate the ON/OFF cycle.

第3の接続は、PT100センサであることを確認した、それは、ON/ OFFサイクル調整するためのコントロールボックスにフィードバック温度信号を与えるために使用される。

The flange is meant to facilitate insertion of the device in a heat exchanger

The E-Cat HT2's power supply departs from that of the device used in December in that it is no longer three-phase, but single-phase: the TRIAC power supply has been replaced by a control circuit having three-phase power input and single-phase output, mounted within a box, the contents of which were not available for inspection, inasmuch as they are part of the industrial trade secret.


But the main difference between the E-Cat HT2 and the previous model lies in the control system, which allows the device to work in self-sustaining mode, i.e. to remain operative and active, while powered off, for much longer periods of time with respect to those during which power is switched on.


During the test experiment we observed that, after an initial phase lasting about two hours, in which power fed to the resistor coils was gradually increased up to operating regime, an ON/OFF phase was reached.

テスト実験の間に我々は、それを観察した、2時間程度持続する初期段階の後に、その中では、抵抗コイルに供給される電力を徐々に、操作領域まで上昇させた、ON/ OFF段階に達しました。

During the test experiment we observed that, after an initial phase lasting about two hours, in which power fed to the resistor coils was gradually increased up to operating regime, an ON/OFF phase was reached, automatically regulated by the temperature feedback signal from a PT100 sensor.

テスト実験の間に我々は、それを観察した、2時間程度持続する初期段階の後に、その中では、抵抗コイルに供給される電力を徐々に、操作領域まで上昇させた、ON/ OFF段階に達しました、PT100センサからの温度フィードバック信号によって自動的に制御されています

In the ON/OFF phase, the resistor coils were powered up and powered down by the control system at regular intervals of about two minutes for the ON state and four minutes for the OFF state.

ON/ OFF段階の中では、抵抗コイルは、ON状態のための約2分とOFF状態のための4分間の一定間隔で制御システムによってパワーアップされ、パワーダウンされた。

In the ON/OFF phase, the resistor coils were powered up and powered down by the control system at observed regular intervals of about two minutes for the ON state and four minutes for the OFF 

ON/ OFF段階の中では、抵抗コイルは、ON状態のための約2分とOFF状態のための4分間の観察された一定間隔で制御システムによってパワーアップされ、パワーダウンされた。

This operating mode was kept more or less unchanged for all the remaining hours of the test.


During the OFF state, it was possible to observe  by means of the video displays connected to the IR cameras (see below)  that the temperature of the device continued to rise for a limited amount of time.


The relevant data for this phenomenon are displayed in the final part of the present text.


The instrumentation used for the experiment was the same as that of the previous test, with the sole addition of another IR camera, used to measure the temperature of the base (henceforth: “top”)  of the E-Cat HT2 and of its flange.


The instrumentation used for the experiment was the same as that of the previous test, with the sole addition of another IR camera, used to measure the temperature of the base (henceforth: “breech”)  of the E-Cat HT2 and of its flange.


The second camera was also an Optris PI 160 Thermal Imager, but mounting 48° x 37° lens.

2台目のカメラは、またOptris PI160サーマルイメージャだった、しかし48° x 37°レンズを取り付けた。

Both cameras were mounted on tripods during data capture, with the E-Cat HT2 resting on metal struts.


This made it possible to solve two of the issues experienced during the December test, namely the lack of information on the E-Cat HT2 “top”, and the presence of shadows from the struts in the IR imagery.


This made it possible to solve two of the issues experienced during the December test, namely the lack of information on the E-Cat HT2 breech  and the presence of shadows from the struts in the IR imagery.

これにより、12月のテスト中に経験した問題点のうちの2つ(以下)を解決することができた、すなわちE-キャットHT2 ブリーチ(砲尾)についての情報の欠如、さらに、IR画像におけるストラットから影の存在。
As in the previous test, the LCD display of the electrical power meter (PCE-830) was continually filmed by a video camera.


The clamp ammeters were connected upstream from the control box to ensure the trustworthiness of the measurements performed, and to produce a nonfalsifiable document (the video recording) of the measurements themselves.


Fig. 11. Instrument set-up for the test.


From left to right: the two laptops connected to the IR cameras, framing the “top” (i.e. the base) of the E-Cat HT2 and one of its sides, respectively, plus the video camera, and the PCE-830.

左から右へ : 二台のラップトップは、IRのカメラに接続されている、E-キャットHT2"トップ"(すなわち、ベース)とその側面の一つをフレーミング、それぞれ、ビデオカメラを追加、及びPCE-830も。

From left to right: the two laptops connected to the IR cameras, framing the Breech (i.e. the base opposite the flange) of the E-Cat HT2 and one of its sides, respectively, plus the video camera, and the PCE-830.

左から右へ : 二台のラップトップは、IRのカメラに接続されている、E-キャットHT2ブリーチ(砲尾)(すなわち、ベース、フランジの反対側)とその側面の一つをフレーミング、それぞれ、ビデオカメラを追加、及びPCE-830も。

Background: the E-Cat HT2 resting on metal struts and the two IR cameras on tripods.

Another critical issue of the December test that was dealt with in this trial is the evaluation of the emissivity of the E-Cat HT2’s coat of paint.


For this purpose, self-adhesive samples were used: white disks of approximately 2 cm in diameter (henceforth: dots) having a known emissivity of 0.95, provided by the same firm that manufactures the IR cameras (Optris part: ACLSED).

この目的のために、自己接着性のサンプルを使用した:直径約2cmのホワイトディスク(以下:ドット)は、0.95の既知の放射率を有する、IR カメラ(Optris部:ACLSED)を製造する同じ会社が提供するものです。

According to the manufacturer, the maximum temperature tolerated by a dot before it is destroyed is approximately 380 °C.


In the course of the test, numerous dots were applied along the side and the “top” of the E-Cat HT2, but the ones applied to the more central areas showed a tendency to fall off, and had to be periodically replaced.


In the course of the test, numerous dots were applied along the side and the Breech of the E-Cat HT2, but the ones applied to the more central areas showed a tendency to fall off, and had to be periodically replaced.


Actually, the distribution of temperatures along the device is non-uniform, and the central part of the cylindrical body is where the temperature reaches values closest to the uppermost working limit for the dots themselves.


Fig. 12. Two images of the E-Cat HT2.


The first displays one of the sides, as framed by one thermal camera, the second displays the “top”, framed by the second IR camera.


The first displays one of the sides, as framed by one thermal camera, the second displays the breech, framed by the second IR camera.


The adhesive “dots” used to evaluate paint emissivity are visible in both images.

ペンキの放射率を評価するために使用される接着性の "ドット"は両方の画像に表示されます。

Note how, in the image on the left, one of the dots is about to fall off due to the heat from the underlying area.

左の画像で、 ドットの一つが、基礎となる領域から熱によって脱落しようとしている程度具合に注意してください。
The dots allow one to determine the emissivity of the surface they are applied to, by comparing the temperatures recorded on the dots and those of the adjacent areas.


This procedure may also be applied during data analysis, directly on the completed thermal imagery video.


It is possible to divide the thermal images into separate areas  in the same manner as the one used to determine the average temperature of the E-Cat HT in the December test  and to assign a specific emissivity to each area.


This option proved quite useful later, when analyzing the imagery captured by the cameras, because it made it possible to correct the values of ε that had been assigned during the initial calibration performed while the test was in progress.


The dots in the images enabled us to determine that different areas of the device had different emissivity because the paint had not been uniformly applied.


Furthermore, it was possible to see how emissivity for each area varied in the course of time, probably on account of a change in the properties of the paint when subjected to continuous heat.


For this reason, when analyzing the data after the test, a good number of time intervals were taken into consideration.


The thermal images of the E-Cat HT2 were then divided into areas, and adjusted to the appropriate values of emissivity relevant to every time interval.


In order to calculate emitted energy, the temperature then assigned to each area of the device was determined from an average of the various results that had been obtained.


Another improvement over the December test lies in the fact that we were able to perform further measurements (falling outside the 116 hours of the trial run) on the same E-Cat HT2 used for the test, after removing the inner charge.


With this device, termed “dummy”, we were able to verify the effectiveness of the methodology used to evaluate the active device, and to estimate the energy emissions of the flange, which would have been difficult to evaluate otherwise.

Lastly, as in the December test, the E-Cat HT2 was assessed all throughout the test for potential radioactive emissions.


The measurements and their analysis were performed once again by David Bianchini, whose report and relevant results are available on demand.


His conclusions are quoted below:


“The measurements performed did not detect any significant differences in exposure and CPM (Counts per Minute), with respect to instrument and ambient background, which may be imputed to the operation of the E-Cat prototypes”.
